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Third in the line up, simple, short, solid, and well put together. Just slow enough a build to keep that tension factor through out. A great little micro horror.

even with the time limitations i feel could've done a little more,but i am glad to hear that you liked it!, nothing makes me happier than seeing someone play my game!

Thank you so much it realy means alot<3

What a sensation! I really liked this. 

For the jam project, this was done with care, attention and the the gameplay was super smooth. Great job! 

Best of luck with the future games!

thank you soooo so much! it realy means alot to me seeing someone play my game,i had wished to pack more into it but you know how it is with the time constraints,again thank you for playing <3


Me ha gustado mucho el juego, no está nada mal, lo único que se ve un poco oscuro, también estaría bien que al final se te oyera hablando en una lengua muerta para dar más sensación de que estás poseído, muchas gracias por compartir el juego, aquí dejo el vídeo que he hecho en español, saludos!!!